Crazy Cat Paranormal Speaks

Small Teams Showcase Part 2 - TX Paranormal Expeditions of DFW

Crazy Cat Paranormal Season 2 Episode 8

Everyone has heard of Ghost Adventures and Ghost Hunters and such. How could you not? Backed by sponsors and production crews, they would be hard to miss. And you've all seen those teams with the huge social media accounts. There's an awful lot of investigators running around trying to be famous.  Don't get me wrong, these teams do a whole lot for the community by bringing the paranormal to mainstream. But they are not the only experienced folks out there. For every big name you see, there are 100s of small teams doing the work and gathering the evidence. We at Crazy Cat Paranormal think their stories are just as, if not more, important.

Welcome to the Small Teams Showcase Part 2!

On this episode, we feature a team out of the Dallas/Fort Worth area of Texas.
With a focus primarily on families and private residences, this team flies under the radar preferring to keep their investigations mostly private.  They have done a lot to help families in the area and have a commitment to continue on in this vein.  They are not looking for fame and fortune.  They just want to help!

You can check out TX Paranormal Expeditions of DFW by following the links below!
Or email them at

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